Title is a humble brag, but compared to the last 3 hikes, this one was very civilised and easy. It was still long, about 16km in total including a....
Before we get into it, if you read my site in the blog fashion of newest post first, oldest post last which it defaults to if you use the search, ....
The main attraction in Suwon without a doubt is the wall that circles the city. Well it almost completely circles a part of the city, there is one....
If you enjoy watching people wander around places on youtube you might have seen various videos featuring the Gwanggyo lake. Everyone goes there a....
Seoul to Suwon on the what now? In Korea there are 5 classes of train or 7 if count ones that are retired but still listed on the schedule, in ord....
Eleven years ago I came to Korea for the first time, went to Itaewon, ate taco bell. That was a mistake. Today I went to Itaewon, and ate nothing....
Today I went and climbed a small mountain, it took ages, it was the wrong mountain entirely. Allow me to explain. Every trip I go on I make a spr....
Every time I come to Seoul I take a walk up Namsan, shake my head at the lazy people who take the cable car, and then take too many photos of the ....
Before we get into all things Buddha related, it is time for some unrelated observations. First of all, Korean TV news in English is very much bl....