I had not really been west of the city yet. Today was the day. And a glorious day it was, sun blazing. The weather forecast said it would be cold ....
Good news, the dog head man has returned to sell his dog heads. Only they are the same ones now a bit older and more rotten. Somehow they are a bi....
Today I will address the lack of photo overload from yesterday. My route took me first West, through peoples park, which was great, then South to ....
Just over a week ago I tried to find the aerospace museum and found an empty field. Today after some extensive research, I almost didnt find it ag....
A couple of years ago I went to the Ueno zoo in Tokyo. It was largely closed down and in a state of disrepair, reason being their panda had died. ....
I doubled up on activities this morning. First up though, I went to Starbucks for coffee. This was an interesting visit, as the boss man was there....
Incheon is actually a seperate city, it is basically joined up with Seoul but has its own metro, own very modern central business district etc. It....
Woke up early again to find my legs were indeed tired from all the walking yesterday. This is a good thing, because my feet are fine, readers of m....
Most of you will know that I have no friends, so instead I like cars. London is a great place to annoy people by photographing their expensive car....