The rain is gone! This means only one thing, to the mountains!!! Yes 3 exclamation marks. Todays mountain is right in the city, which probably mea....
It was raining a little tonight, so it was time to head out to see some of the worlds biggest things. One of them a big building, and another the ....
It was a bit cloudy, hazy and polluted today, so as a special treat, no mountain! I am already wishing however that I did a mountain. Instead I we....
Tonight I went to an entirely different area, basically as far as the subway underground sock mall went, then I popped out to the surface. I found....
In about 1600, Korea and Japan were having one of their regular wars. To stop this, Korea decided to build a wall along the mountains that surroun....
Busan has achieved peak neon. So far I only went to one of the many areas that are apparently well known nightspots for people to run around screa....
Now I am in Busan, the southern metropolis on the coast of Korea, home of a famous beach, very useful in winter, the Busan film festival, not on w....