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Korea Daegu Food Curry

6 April 2024

Pink seven

Daegu main shopping area

I thought I would be tireder. The word tireder looks wrong. More tired sounds wrong. Lets go with, substantially more exhausted.
Despite not being as tired as I feared, I did stay local, and enjoy the political rallies. I think the actual election is on Wednesday, which seems like a strange day to have an election, in Australia they are always on Saturday.

I am very familiar with the main shopping area of Daegu, I think it is great. It seems there are more places to eat that I am interested in than most other places I have been. I recognised a couple of places I ate at last time I was here, it is good to see that they are still in business.

And now, story time. It seems that in Seoul they are removing the fabric seats from subway trains and replacing them with hard plastic. There was a public outcry after someone claimed they caught bed bugs from a subway seat after sitting in a seat that a French person had been sitting in before them. I do recall the news stories about France being filled with bed bugs, but to replace 400,000 subway seats (a number I completely made up), this seems like a rather severe overreaction.

Korea-Daegu-Food-Curry - A random street scene out the front of my hotel.

A random street scene out the front of my hotel.

Korea-Daegu-Food-Curry - The main shopping area is a bit away from Daegu station. It does extend all the way to the station, but the closer you get to the station the quieter

The main shopping area is a bit away from Daegu station. It does extend all the way to the station, but the closer you get to the station the quieter it gets. The last stretch seen here is giant cheap jewellery stores.

Korea-Daegu-Food-Curry - But then at the actual station, Lotte department store. Also, good dinner option.

But then at the actual station, Lotte department store. Also, good dinner option.

Korea-Daegu-Food-Curry - I decided to have curry, again, but SUPER HOT, vegetable curry. The photo on the menu had a lot more broccoli and carrot and a lot less potato. It was

I decided to have curry, again, but SUPER HOT, vegetable curry. The photo on the menu had a lot more broccoli and carrot and a lot less potato. It was still pretty nice though.

Korea-Daegu-Food-Curry - Costume jewellery street, which runs off the main jewellery street, was already shut. I do not really think Koreans wear a lot of jewellery, I also do

Costume jewellery street, which runs off the main jewellery street, was already shut. I do not really think Koreans wear a lot of jewellery, I also do not think I have typed the word jewellery so often in my life.

Korea-Daegu-Food-Curry - A political rally, for the pink 7! Generally it is a battle between blue 1 and red 2, so seeing the actual pink 7 in the flesh, truly an honour.

A political rally, for the pink 7! Generally it is a battle between blue 1 and red 2, so seeing the actual pink 7 in the flesh, truly an honour.

Korea-Daegu-Food-Curry - At the actual focal point of the shopping area, the city has paid for a girl DJ to drop some phat beats so the political dorks cannot move into the sp

At the actual focal point of the shopping area, the city has paid for a girl DJ to drop some phat beats so the political dorks cannot move into the spot. Also, whenever anything related to the government pays for a DJ, they get a girl DJ. It helps with the quota.

Korea-Daegu-Food-Curry - Remember when Kodak sold cameras and film? Now they are a clothing brand. I am about 62.7% sure I took a photo of this last time I was here and made t

Remember when Kodak sold cameras and film? Now they are a clothing brand. I am about 62.7% sure I took a photo of this last time I was here and made the same observation.

Korea-Daegu-Food-Curry - Another random street scene, but what is that just out of frame on the left....?

Another random street scene, but what is that just out of frame on the left....?

Korea-Daegu-Food-Curry - OK, a few nights ago in Gangnam I was taking photos of the places you go to get your photo taken... and I joked about one of them being a place to get

OK, a few nights ago in Gangnam I was taking photos of the places you go to get your photo taken... and I joked about one of them being a place to get your photo taken that looks like the entrance hallway to a rich persons house. It turns out that those are a chain, and they re create the same bizarre experience all over Korea.

Korea-Daegu-Food-Curry - Tonight's zero calorie drinks of choice, chupa chups strawberry and melon flavoured milk soda. Yes really. Actually I could say I got the strawberry o

Tonight's zero calorie drinks of choice, chupa chups strawberry and melon flavoured milk soda. Yes really. Actually I could say I got the strawberry one to commemorate the pink 7 sighting earlier. OK lets go with that.

Korea-Daegu-Food-Curry - And as threatened, for my final picture of the day, the shot out my hotel room window, at night. This is a long exposure. Tomorrow is NOT a hiking day

And as threatened, for my final picture of the day, the shot out my hotel room window, at night. This is a long exposure.
Tomorrow is NOT a hiking day, well I might wander up the hill looking over the city, but that does not count as a hiking day.

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