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Melbourne Airport

30 March 2024

Early morning drunken fighting

Melbourne airport

I have now completed the most dangerous part of my journey, walking from my home to the Skybus in central Melbourne at 3:30am on Easter Saturday. You see on the way there, I had to dodge vomit, drunks on scooters, drunks fighting each other, a possible drive by shooting attempt as I passed King street, a taxi that appeared to have crashed into a tram and a street sweeper debating the homeless. I probably should have taken some photos but I was anxious to get past it all and get to the airport.

As it turns out, and often does, I was early for the airport, early enough to sit here and type some nonsense before boarding. Early enough to take some pointless blurry photos out of the airport tinted windows in the dark of the jet I will soon board.

And on that note, I am not sure when the next update will be! Depending on prevailing winds I may not have much time at all in Singapore, and then I will arrive in Seoul (Incheon) quite late, and then it is a bit of a bus journey to my hotel, at which point I will probably pass out, wake up the next morning, and then go hiking in the yellow sand panic alert pollution.
I like to start every trip with an overly long adjective filled sentence.

Melbourne-Airport - Here is a boring shot of Melbourne airport. The people above are coming off the plane I am about to get on.

Here is a boring shot of Melbourne airport. The people above are coming off the plane I am about to get on.

Melbourne-Airport - And there is my plane. It just arrived. I guess it leaves again in 2 hours. Since it is an Airbus I did not have to bring my own toolbox to tighten th

And there is my plane. It just arrived. I guess it leaves again in 2 hours. Since it is an Airbus I did not have to bring my own toolbox to tighten the loose bolts which are now a feature of Boeing jets. However my next flight is on a Boeing, so I will have to pick up some tools in Singapore duty free.

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