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Japan Osaka Kyoto

14 November 2023

Long waste of a day

Osaka to Kyoto by local train

I could have walked here. Maybe that is a plan for another trip? Anyway, today I set out and succeeded in wasting the whole day getting from Osaka to Kyoto.

First I wandered around Osaka in glorious sunshine, early, before the crowds, and examined the leftover detritus from the night before. There was a lot of vomit, just like at home!
Eventually it was time to check out of my hotel and lug my case up and down some stairs for fear of sharing a lift and board the subway to Osaka station, then the slow local train to Kyoto (I was in no hurry). Most of my visits to Kyoto I have stayed very close to the station, but this time I am very close to the corner of Shijo dori and the road from the station, which meant that since I was lugging my bag I decided to take the subway 2 stops in Kyoto as well. See how boring all that was? Long day doing nothing was long.

Next up, it was of course too early to check in, so I set off north with no plan, stopped for a sandwich in the seating area of a supermarket (fantastic concept), and took a lap of the gravel at the Imperial palace. So that is how you waste a full day.

Japan-Osaka-Kyoto - The morning light in Osaka was great, so one more photo of Dotonbori.

The morning light in Osaka was great, so one more photo of Dotonbori.

Japan-Osaka-Kyoto - Hours later, and it was time to take a great loop of the gravel path around the imperial palace. So much gravel.

Hours later, and it was time to take a great loop of the gravel path around the imperial palace. So much gravel.

Japan-Osaka-Kyoto - A rather underwhelming pond. I have never been inside the palace walls, you can apply to go in, but you cannot just turn up and go in. I think there i

A rather underwhelming pond. I have never been inside the palace walls, you can apply to go in, but you cannot just turn up and go in. I think there is a passport requirement, guided tour only arrangement, which I am sure would result in me being rejected and deported.

Japan-Osaka-Kyoto - A gate.

A gate.

Japan-Osaka-Kyoto - And a lot more gravel, and a lot of wall.

And a lot more gravel, and a lot of wall.

Japan-Osaka-Kyoto - The grounds are large but not very garden-y, this is probably the nicest bit due to the light.

The grounds are large but not very garden-y, this is probably the nicest bit due to the light.

Japan-Osaka-Kyoto - But now, what you have all been waiting for, my hotel room! Sotetsu Fresa again, as will be the next one in Tokyo. This one is a bit bigger, you can w

But now, what you have all been waiting for, my hotel room! Sotetsu Fresa again, as will be the next one in Tokyo. This one is a bit bigger, you can walk down both sides of the bed! A rarity in Japan. Also a strange card table setup, I am sitting there now as I type this. Finding electricity was a challenge.

Japan-Osaka-Kyoto - And of course, the toilet! Look at it. A porcelain marvel. actually it is probably plastic. Probably the largest bathroom of this trip so far. The che

And of course, the toilet! Look at it. A porcelain marvel. actually it is probably plastic. Probably the largest bathroom of this trip so far. The check in was people not a machine, I have booked a double room but I am only one person, they did not really understand this. I got the whole NO PARTY IN ROOM speech that I sometimes get. So now I am planning a sad party for one, with a diet 7-eleven lemon drink and a cut up orange sealed in plastic.

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