UPDATE: ALSO CANCELLED, Corona Virus. Oh so very predictable. I have now booked my trip for November 2020, back to Japan for the 10th time. The cu....
UPDATE: CANCELLED, Corona Virus. Similar to last year but slightly different, from early April I will be spending 4 weeks split evenly between Kor....
My 9th trip to Japan is now completed. CLICK HERE to go read it all from the start.
From the 26th of October I will be spending 4 weeks in Japan, again, in what has become an annual pilgrimage around November. This time I will be ....
The FRANGLAND trip is now complete. CLICK HERE to go straight to the full trip report. My n....
Work is sending me to Europe for 2 and a bit weeks from 5 July. Since I have a new camera I will probably do my usual format of long boring arduou....
The Korkong trip is finished. CLICK HERE to go straight to the extra long full trip report!
From the 30th of March I will be spending 4 weeks in South Korea, Hong Kong and Southern China. Specifically, 4 nights in Seoul, 4 nights in Daeje....
As threatened, here is my second retrospective of a previous trip FACILITATED by my need to re-edit, re-export and re-upload all my photos so that....