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Upcoming trip - Japan10

12 January 2020

news - Upcoming trip - Japan10

UPDATE: ALSO CANCELLED, Corona Virus. Oh so very predictable. I have now booked my trip for November 2020, back to Japan for the 10th time. The cu....

Upcoming trip - Korwan

10 January 2020

news - Upcoming trip - Korwan

UPDATE: CANCELLED, Corona Virus. Similar to last year but slightly different, from early April I will be spending 4 weeks split evenly between Kor....

Japan9 trip completed!

25 October 2019

news - Japan9 trip completed!

My 9th trip to Japan is now completed. CLICK HERE to go read it all from the start.

Upcoming trip - Japan9

10 February 2019

news - Upcoming trip - Japan9

From the 26th of October I will be spending 4 weeks in Japan, again, in what has become an annual pilgrimage around November. This time I will be ....

Frangland trip completed!

5 July 2019

news - Frangland trip completed!

The FRANGLAND trip is now complete. CLICK HERE to go straight to the full trip report. My n....

Bonus upcoming work trip - France & England

29 June 2019

news - Bonus upcoming work trip - France & England

Work is sending me to Europe for 2 and a bit weeks from 5 July. Since I have a new camera I will probably do my usual format of long boring arduou....

Korkong trip is now completed!

27 April 2019

news - Korkong trip is now completed!

The Korkong trip is finished. CLICK HERE to go straight to the extra long full trip report!

Upcoming trip - Korkong

10 February 2019

news - Upcoming trip - Korkong

From the 30th of March I will be spending 4 weeks in South Korea, Hong Kong and Southern China. Specifically, 4 nights in Seoul, 4 nights in Daeje....

Japan 2015 - Revisited

10 March 2019

news - Japan 2015 - Revisited

As threatened, here is my second retrospective of a previous trip FACILITATED by my need to re-edit, re-export and re-upload all my photos so that....

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