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12 January 2020

Upcoming trip - Japan10

UPDATE: ALSO CANCELLED, Corona Virus. Oh so very predictable. I have now booked my trip for November 2020, back to Japan for the 10th time. The current Itinerary (subject to change) includes Tokyo as ever, Hiroshima, Matsuyama on Shikoku (I have not been to that island before), Beppu/Oita and KitaKyushu on Kyushu, Kyoto (yet again) and back to Tokyo. So some new places, some old.
I have booked refundable accommodation so if something more interesting comes to my attention it is possible I may yet change the entire trip.

news - This beautiful oil painting is a paint.net filter of a photo I took last year on Mount Bandai.

This beautiful oil painting is a paint.net filter of a photo I took last year on Mount Bandai.

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