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Japan Yokohama Curry

23 November 2023


Yokohama station area

For my last full night in Japan (more on that shortly) I decided to go one town over to Yokohama. I have stayed there before. I actually had a cold when I stayed there last time, that I remember. I have also been there for a couple of day trips before and always enjoyed it.
Tonight I went there and went to the main station area, this is very easy to get to from Tokyo, the train stops at only 3 stations between Tokyo and Yokohama so it only takes 30 minutes. The problem with that is there really is not a lot to see in the vicinity of the main station in Yokohama, you really want to go to China town or down to the port area.

So for my last full night in Japan I went to the wrong part of Yokohama.

Now for the 'full' night explanation.
My flight leaves at 10pm tomorrow night. I have to check out of my hotel at 11am tomorrow morning. That is a very long day. I am normally asleep by 10pm, not about to start a 7.5 hour flight, plus 5 hour layover, plus 3.5 hour flight home. Oh well.

Now for some photos of not much to see in and around the Yokohama station.

Japan-Yokohama-Curry - It is certainly very busy in the station area, as everyone is going from one line to another to get to the nicer areas of Yokohama.

It is certainly very busy in the station area, as everyone is going from one line to another to get to the nicer areas of Yokohama.

Japan-Yokohama-Curry - The first thing to do was to go find some dinner. The local Sogo department store was a good bet, more so when I discovered it had a grass volcano in

The first thing to do was to go find some dinner. The local Sogo department store was a good bet, more so when I discovered it had a grass volcano in between all the restaurants.

Japan-Yokohama-Curry - Bread AND rice. Why not. I had non Japanese curry. It was pretty good actually.

Bread AND rice. Why not. I had non Japanese curry. It was pretty good actually.

Japan-Yokohama-Curry - Next I exited out the wrong side of the station looking for non existent neon. Instead I found triple stacked highway overpasses. Earthquake bait.

Next I exited out the wrong side of the station looking for non existent neon. Instead I found triple stacked highway overpasses. Earthquake bait.

Japan-Yokohama-Curry - Out the other side of the station is the taxi area, and more department stores, and not much else.

Out the other side of the station is the taxi area, and more department stores, and not much else.

Japan-Yokohama-Curry - Also buses. Basically anything to take you away from here.

Also buses. Basically anything to take you away from here.

Japan-Yokohama-Curry - I am being unfair, there is a vast network of underground shopping areas, and they do connect to some other areas such as the port, but I did not have

I am being unfair, there is a vast network of underground shopping areas, and they do connect to some other areas such as the port, but I did not have enough time to go all the way there this evening.

Japan-Yokohama-Curry - Instead I wondered why this statue and gas lamp exists in the middle of the busy station area.

Instead I wondered why this statue and gas lamp exists in the middle of the busy station area.

Japan-Yokohama-Curry - And for the last pic of the evening, clearly once again, I am on the wrong side of the tracks! Over here it is just me, on the otherside, everyone.

And for the last pic of the evening, clearly once again, I am on the wrong side of the tracks! Over here it is just me, on the otherside, everyone.

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