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Newer Page 177 of 1340 Older Full Trip Report
Japan Tokyo Omurice

29 October 2023

I now feel as though I arrived

Kanda to Tokyo station

With the way the flight worked, I got here the same day as I left Australia, then I took a train to my hotel, which is one street from the station, went to bed, woke up soon after, walked that one street again, went out of the city, walked a great distance mostly away from civilization, caught the train back, walked one street to my hotel, and then went out this evening. So since getting here I walked the same one block of Tokyo 4 times and that is all I had seen other than trees and trains.

Tonight I still have not seen much of Tokyo as I did too much walking in the woods earlier, but I did go along a familiar route to Tokyo station and find some omurice for dinner.
The streets were quieter than I was expecting, however the underground mall around the station was very busy.
I am too tired to type anything to amuse myself, so onto the pics.

Japan-Tokyo-Omurice - Nice. I like to take photos of trains and the things under the elevated train tracks.

Nice. I like to take photos of trains and the things under the elevated train tracks.

Japan-Tokyo-Omurice - Behold, Tokyo station. That reminds me, I think I need to go scan a QR code to get a ticket for my trip to Hiroshima on Friday.

Behold, Tokyo station. That reminds me, I think I need to go scan a QR code to get a ticket for my trip to Hiroshima on Friday.

Japan-Tokyo-Omurice - This is character street. Shops for people that enjoy brands and corporate profits. Too busy for me. No hello kitty purchases tonight. Ramen street wa

This is character street. Shops for people that enjoy brands and corporate profits. Too busy for me. No hello kitty purchases tonight. Ramen street was also too busy, no ramen for dinner tonight.

Japan-Tokyo-Omurice - I headed away from the main underground mall area to the adjoining Yaesu underground mall area. Far less busy, but mainly underwear and old man shoe s

I headed away from the main underground mall area to the adjoining Yaesu underground mall area. Far less busy, but mainly underwear and old man shoe shops.

Japan-Tokyo-Omurice - I have no idea what's going on here.

I have no idea what's going on here.

Japan-Tokyo-Omurice - When I saw this spot, which is 4 curry restaurants clumped together, I thought for sure my dinner would come from here. But no, a man ran out of one o

When I saw this spot, which is 4 curry restaurants clumped together, I thought for sure my dinner would come from here. But no, a man ran out of one of the places and projectile sneezed across the corridor, followed by his wife running out with a tissue. He then sneezed a few more times and went into a coughing fit before being lead away while his wife apologised to everyone. So I moved on.

Japan-Tokyo-Omurice - Omurice it is. I got the seasonal mushroom special. Quite a small serve, so now I am eating some crab flavoured peanut snacks.

Omurice it is. I got the seasonal mushroom special. Quite a small serve, so now I am eating some crab flavoured peanut snacks.

Japan-Tokyo-Omurice - My journey back to my hotel went past the end of the main Ginza street, but I bypassed it for now and walked back along some back streets instead, thu

My journey back to my hotel went past the end of the main Ginza street, but I bypassed it for now and walked back along some back streets instead, thus ensuring I cracked 50k steps for the day. Needless to say, tomorrow is not a hiking day.

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