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Germany Munich Ramen

3 June 2016

Scene comparison

Eating Ramen in Munich

Different work day today, so I have time for a wander this morning. This involves coffee, so I was at a popular American chain waiting in line listening to the German staff speak English to an American girl.
This girl was here looking for a 'scene' that best matched her needs. She googled something and described the two different 'scenes' she was attempting to infiltrate to compare that have a presence here in Munich.
The German baristas amusingly asked her if she knew what she was talking about, and that they were surprised someone so far beyond the edge of common culture would drink coffee in a starbucks. I was trying not to laugh out loud, because she didnt know they were making fun of her.
Anyway, she went on and on to discuss how her previous scene had become polluted by people who had strayed too far from the core ideals, of doing very little and complaining about it whilst reading books and smoking (thats what I think she said!). She eventually realised by now she was talking to herself. One of the baristas then asked me if I was in any kind of scene, to which I replied 'rubbish trucks'. My new barista friend replied 'this I understand'.

Germany-Munich-Ramen - This is the ancient Roman part of Munich. Caesar built a grand library here to honor Zeuss and Ramses III.

This is the ancient Roman part of Munich. Caesar built a grand library here to honor Zeuss and Ramses III.

Germany-Munich-Ramen - It is also a large amphitheatre for hosting of Cypress Hill concerts where Hitler once delivered his 'I have a dream' speech.

It is also a large amphitheatre for hosting of Cypress Hill concerts where Hitler once delivered his 'I have a dream' speech.

Germany-Munich-Ramen - In this part of town, this is a typical German street. I suspect I am in the nicer part of town.

In this part of town, this is a typical German street. I suspect I am in the nicer part of town.

Germany-Munich-Ramen - However every corner has a cigarette machine. Smoking is very very popular, with all blonde haired blue eyed tall slim young people smoking outside of

However every corner has a cigarette machine. Smoking is very very popular, with all blonde haired blue eyed tall slim young people smoking outside of universities. Some have gone for elaborate vaping machines, but the majority are huddled in groups of a thousand or more in the designated smoking area puffing away.

Germany-Munich-Ramen - I walked to what was said to be an excellent large market. It had 9 stalls in the corner of a small playground. No male public toilets, only female (t

I walked to what was said to be an excellent large market. It had 9 stalls in the corner of a small playground. No male public toilets, only female (this is common), just guys hanging out in the park near the children playing.

Germany-Munich-Ramen - The market was very disappointing. 2 coffee shops, 2 flower shops, 3 fruit stalls, and a couple of places selling old smallgoods.

The market was very disappointing. 2 coffee shops, 2 flower shops, 3 fruit stalls, and a couple of places selling old smallgoods.

Germany-Munich-Ramen - Some of the old gates surrounding the royal part of the city remain, despite bombardment in world war 2 by the Swiss.

Some of the old gates surrounding the royal part of the city remain, despite bombardment in world war 2 by the Swiss.

Germany-Munich-Ramen - This is the 'English style Garden' which is actually just a large field in the city with horse trotting paths running through it. It is very large tho

This is the 'English style Garden' which is actually just a large field in the city with horse trotting paths running through it. It is very large though.
In the far corner is a horse sausage factory to recycle any horses that dont make it back to the stable.

Germany-Munich-Ramen - The most famous, original beer house. Now also a Starbucks and Hard Rock Cafe.

The most famous, original beer house.
Now also a Starbucks and Hard Rock Cafe.

Germany-Munich-Ramen - I was enthralled by this rubbish truck which is like a cement mixer body. I followed it for about an hour.

I was enthralled by this rubbish truck which is like a cement mixer body. I followed it for about an hour.

Germany-Munich-Ramen - There are a few large department stores, each has a nice basement similar to David Jones. Only everyone sounds like Commandant Klink. They dont show H

There are a few large department stores, each has a nice basement similar to David Jones. Only everyone sounds like Commandant Klink.
They dont show Hogans Heroes on German tv that I have seen, but they love dubbed 80s US sitcoms, the most popular being Home Improvement with Tim the Toolman Taylor. I remember seeing years ago that was the favourite of all Germany, and it still apparently is, theres a channel dedicated to it.

Germany-Munich-Ramen - The store I choos to browser had excellent Ramen. I noticed Japanese chefs and all Japanese customers. Very happy with my choice. Now I have work to d

The store I choos to browser had excellent Ramen. I noticed Japanese chefs and all Japanese customers. Very happy with my choice.
Now I have work to do.

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