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Airport Korea Incheon

31 March 2019

Train to city too tired two photos

Flying to Incheon airport on Hong Kong Airlines

Despite no sleep, I have amazingly managed to stick to, too and two in the title of this boring update.
Right now I am on the AREX train into Seoul from Incheon airport. Incheon is an entirely different city but thats where they decided to stick the main airport, so that it was as close as possible to the North Korean border for missile range.

My flight was too fast! It was scheduled to last 4.5 hours and only lasted 3.5, the English pilot mentioned that he was impressed with the tailwind. There was no meal since it departed just before midnight, but instead they handed out snack bags, which contained a full size mars bar, a full size muffin and a huge rice crispy square thing and a can of regular coke. I handed mine back.
The flight was too short to even pretend to get any sleep, so I am on no sleep at all, not even a 5 minute catch yourself almost falling asleep then frightening yourself awake sleep.
It is also timed very poorly, I now will most likely have to wait until 3pm to check into my hotel despite arriving at about 3:30AM. So another 12 hours before I can shower again, I mark the passing of time with showers.

I am sure this is making no sense by now I am typing on the moving train in the dark, but let me go on regardless, undeterred, I laugh in the face of making sense and just let my fingers move on their own, each of them has a tiny little brain that seems to be making the keys click.

Getting cash out of a machine at Incheon airport was a challenge, not because my card was rejected, but because the machine was running really really slowly. The transaction took 20 minutes, and it was a glitch fest of watching the screen redraw pixel by pixel and listening to the robot voice sound like it was getting very sleepy. I think it was running windows 98, they do that here to ensure everyone still uses the superior Microsoft internet explorer 6 with activex controls to skim your card details and send to the religious / government leaders to determine if you are of pure morals.
The most concerning part was when it went to count the money to give me the door the cash comes out opened and closed 3 times slowly before it decided to hand over the cash.

Once I was cashed up it was time to kill time before it was time to get the train which always runs on time.
The airport was really busy at this early hour, but ALMOST every coffee shop was closed....ridiculous! Thousands of people on the arrivals and departure levels were doing as I was, wondering why the hell you cant buy a coffee at a super busy airport at 4:30AM. Eventually I found a Krispy Kreme that had run out of doughnuts but was serving coffee, I found it in the basement in what I think was the employee food court area. After negotiating my size and milk options I was provided with a hot beverage somewhat resembling coffee that was neither the size I pointed at or the milk I pointed at. Oh well, I suspect today will be a day of many coffees, or else I might just stop working altogether. Ask yourself now why altogether does not have two L's?

Airport-Korea-Incheon - ITS ME! And I dont look as tired as I feel. I am balding I fear, and going grey (should that be gray or grey?), this is exacerbated by aircraft air co

ITS ME! And I dont look as tired as I feel. I am balding I fear, and going grey (should that be gray or grey?), this is exacerbated by aircraft air conditioning. I always notice whenever I get off a long flight it feels like I have spider silk for hair, and not much of it. Thats enough hair talk.

Airport-Korea-Incheon - I cant just post a photo of my big stupid head, so heres some flowers and lights in the airport arrivals hall. Basically this is where I sat to sip my

I cant just post a photo of my big stupid head, so heres some flowers and lights in the airport arrivals hall. Basically this is where I sat to sip my coffee, so this is the photo I took. Thrilling stuff!

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