Today is my last day in Hatfield, well last day in the hotel there, I guess I might have to go back there for work during the day next week, but f....
It was time to head out to teddington on the overland to visit the studio/treehouse club/xbox drop in centre. Since I was last there, the station ....
The return journey was unenventful and fast, its far easier to get to teddington via waterloo than it is catching the district line to wimbledon a....
Today I have to go to work in Hatfield near St Albans which is north of London. During days where im working there will generally be less to talk ....
All the museums I visited last time were impressive, for some reason I missed the war museum, not sure why as on a list it probably stands out to ....
After careful planning I decided today I would go to the Imperial war museum in the morning, and then head out to meet with some fellow elite memb....
Now worried about how I will adjust to the new time zone, 11 hours different from my own, I decide a long walk is the answer, it normally is. I se....
Now for the longest leg, about 14 hours on the plane. Again I have a bulk head seat, and a very good one as with legs fully stretched I cannot tou....
My flight left Heathrow at a very civil time of about 11:30 in the morning. So I left the hotel without drama at 9, walked across the road to the ....
In the morning I went to the national gallery. Its full of famous artists paintings, mainly impressionists. When I came out most of the roads were....
Today I did a lot of walking. First I went to see the changing of the guard at buckingham palace. Its not particularly impressive, a brass band co....