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19 September 2022

Upcoming trip - Returning to South Korea

It seems I have unfinished business in Korea. From 3 November I shall return for more hiking and gawking at stuff. This is mainly because it is the only place I can go that will almost definitely be open. I cancelled my planned return to Japan trip and pivoted back to South Korea a few weeks ago, and of course Japan is now talking about properly re-opening, however they left it too late for me, so back to South Korea it shall be!

news - This photo was taken on the last trip, which was late spring and early summer. Because I go to sleep early I did not really get to experience any neon

This photo was taken on the last trip, which was late spring and early summer. Because I go to sleep early I did not really get to experience any neon night time glow. This time I am going late Autumn, and it gets dark much earlier..

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