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Malaysia KLIA Airport

4 December 2005

Transit back to KLIA

The 'Supa Comfort Luxury Mini Coach' turns out to be worse than the last one, no air conditioning, and somehow 12 people fit in it, no seatbelts, my big bag is wedged behind a seat and the driver sat on the seat and pushed back with all his weight to squash it behind there, I have to nurse my laptop and backpack, I am squashed up against a window and somehow manage to get my camera out.
Took a few shots, but only one came out, there were rows and rows of these houses that all were identical, I do not know what they were for, but they were in stark contrast to the rest of the housing along the road which was mansions with palm trees and high rise buildings in fields on their own.

Malaysia-KLIA-Airport - Poor peoples houses.

Poor peoples houses.

Kuala Lumpur International airport is enormous, I am there early, at about 1600, and the flight isnt until 1945, but its delayed an hour and I cant even check in yet.
So I wander around as best I can with my big suitcase, there are airlines I have never heard of, Xianamen for example, and the check in gate my flight is going to use is going to Saudi Arabia, they have a special room for passport checking the women whos faces cannot be seen, I guess by other women.
I snapped a couple of shots whilst I was waiting.

Malaysia-KLIA-Airport - Kuala Lumpur Check in hall

Kuala Lumpur Check in hall

Malaysia-KLIA-Airport - Another shot of the check in hall, its hard to convey its size..

Another shot of the check in hall, its hard to convey its size..

Malaysia-KLIA-Airport - Once you have checked in, you ride a little train thing to the sattelite terminal, about a kilometre away, why they didnt make it all just one buildin

Once you have checked in, you ride a little train thing to the sattelite terminal, about a kilometre away, why they didnt make it all just one building I do not know, perhaps, like me, they think trains are cool. It was confusing when I arrived at night to get off a plane and get straight on a train before you even see your bags.

The Satellite terminal is just as big as the first, and has a rainforest growing in the middle of it, there are a number of food outlets, all of them international chains, the duty free shopping is very poor surprisingly.
I had to wait here for about 2 hours, my neck hurts from carrying my laptop around.
I manage to get a wifi connection that only allows port 80 at ridiculously slow speeds, with -80 on the signal strength, at least it proves my new card works though.

Malaysia-KLIA-Airport - Satellite terminal, I snuck up here to some administration offices to take this pic

Satellite terminal, I snuck up here to some administration offices to take this pic

Malaysia-KLIA-Airport - Lunch/Dinner - I eat when bored, this was poor quality, diet coke tasted weird, like Dr Pepper, cost about $5 and was probably only worth $1

Lunch/Dinner - I eat when bored, this was poor quality, diet coke tasted weird, like Dr Pepper, cost about $5 and was probably only worth $1

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