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Korea Seoul Dongdaemun Bibimbap

14 September 2011

Walk until lost

This evening I did one of my favourite activities. Pick a direction and walk that way, until you are completely lost.
The path took me back through Dongdaemun, via a street full of mainly stores selling ladders and pipes.
I then came across a wet market, where I had one last attempt at catching bird flu.
In a shopping area near a university I was approached by a girl to answer some questions about Hyundai, her friend video taped it, I put my hands in my pockets in case it was an elaborate scam to steal from me even though thats unheard of in South Korea.
It seems it was the girls job application for when she graduates, at the end I had to was given something to read on a clipboard, and I realised on the back it said 'I LOVE HYUNDAI!', so if I turn up in an ad I am going to sue.

I also managed to find real Korean food for dinner, so thats 2 proper Korean meals in a day, Korean food is nowhere near as good as Taiwanese food, its much more like Japanese food, largely flavourless.

I had planned to take the bullet train to Busan at some point, tomorrow is my last full day here, the 3 day holiday has stopped that from happening.
Even tomorrow getting back from Busan on the bullet train seems impossible, I couldnt book online and at the station there was some mention of standing room, or the slower 5 hour train back.
Given that the train is 2.5 hours in each direction already, I think I will give it a miss.
Thats OK, I still have lots of things to do in and around Seoul, so much that I could easily stay another week.

Not many pictures tonight sorry!

Korea-Seoul-Dongdaemun-Bibimbap - Seouls finest, to protect and to serve, on 3 wheeled idiot scooters.

Seouls finest, to protect and to serve, on 3 wheeled idiot scooters.

Korea-Seoul-Dongdaemun-Bibimbap - There are at least 10 different competing chains who have signs that say CHICKEN & BEER. I went in here and asked for beef and a coke.

There are at least 10 different competing chains who have signs that say CHICKEN & BEER. I went in here and asked for beef and a coke.

Korea-Seoul-Dongdaemun-Bibimbap - I am not sure whats going on here, the statue of liberty is an interesting inclusion.

I am not sure whats going on here, the statue of liberty is an interesting inclusion.

Korea-Seoul-Dongdaemun-Bibimbap - A wet market, if I get bird flu now I probably wont have full symptoms until I am on the plane home. Patient Zero.

A wet market, if I get bird flu now I probably wont have full symptoms until I am on the plane home. Patient Zero.

Korea-Seoul-Dongdaemun-Bibimbap - My dinner, a differnt kind of Mandoo dumpling (pretty average, they should stop in at a shanghai or taiwanese dumpling place!), and vegetaria bibimbap

My dinner, a differnt kind of Mandoo dumpling (pretty average, they should stop in at a shanghai or taiwanese dumpling place!), and vegetaria bibimbap in a hot stone pot.

Korea-Seoul-Dongdaemun-Bibimbap - The outside of the restaurant where I ate, just cause I didnt have many other photos tonight!

The outside of the restaurant where I ate, just cause I didnt have many other photos tonight!

Korea-Seoul-Dongdaemun-Bibimbap - Sign photos are the theme today, do you think they are a licensed part of burger king or are ripping it off entirely?

Sign photos are the theme today, do you think they are a licensed part of burger king or are ripping it off entirely?

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