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Korea Daegu Station

31 May 2022


Walking around Daegu to the old station

This evening I walked a big loop around parts of the city, through a park, then ended up at the old station. Not the bullet train station which is new, shiny, full of shops and people, but the old station, which is in a fantastic location but seemingly serves no real purpose.

On my way back from there, it was time to fight my way through at least 6 political rallies for the big election tomorrow. The hordes of dancers, the trucks driving around with furious waving men in suits on the back, the loudspeakers over-driven to the point of failure, it all comes to an end tomorrow, assuming the election goes for one day. I expect I will find out it goes for an entire week.

I also spotted a few crazy folks, pic below, but not the one I was looking for. When I got here the other day there was a guy with a series of signs depicting a woman going into the bathroom, then removing her face to reveal a mans face with a beard underneath. Also there were lots of crucifixes, 666, warnings about satan and the pending rapture etc. At the time I did not properly understand the signs, but now I realise it was a transsexual bathroom drama protest. Just like the USA!

Korea-Daegu-Station - This coffee chain specialises in serving you a litre of coffee (I refuse to write liter unless in brackets). That seems dangerous.

This coffee chain specialises in serving you a litre of coffee (I refuse to write liter unless in brackets). That seems dangerous.

Korea-Daegu-Station - The local park was very pleasant in the late afternoon sun.

The local park was very pleasant in the late afternoon sun.

Korea-Daegu-Station - I stood here to take my photo, then spotted this sign. I got it exactly right! It is nice to be congratulated.

I stood here to take my photo, then spotted this sign. I got it exactly right! It is nice to be congratulated.

Korea-Daegu-Station - Here is the old station and the attached department store, looks good from the outside.

Here is the old station and the attached department store, looks good from the outside.

Korea-Daegu-Station - Next to it, and still operating at 6pm, a food market. It smelled great!

Next to it, and still operating at 6pm, a food market. It smelled great!

Korea-Daegu-Station - The inside of the old Daegu station. That is about all of it!

The inside of the old Daegu station. That is about all of it!

Korea-Daegu-Station - I shot this photo through flyscreen, came out pretty good though.

I shot this photo through flyscreen, came out pretty good though.

Korea-Daegu-Station - For my dinner, I did not get what I asked for. I wanted the omurice vegetable curry. I thought we had agreed on that, I even pointed at a picture. The

For my dinner, I did not get what I asked for. I wanted the omurice vegetable curry. I thought we had agreed on that, I even pointed at a picture. The guy even recognised my credit card and said he had lived in Australia previously, but then I got hamburger covered in cheese and chips. Oh well, I of course ate it anyway, I really do not get to eat french fries very often, they were.. pretty sad.

Korea-Daegu-Station - Then I found an entirely different unconnected underground shopping thing. About a kilometre long.

Then I found an entirely different unconnected underground shopping thing. About a kilometre long.

Korea-Daegu-Station - Here is possibly the actual candidate making his last ditch attempt for team 1. This evening I saw not just 1 and 2, but 3, 4 and 5 as well! All had t

Here is possibly the actual candidate making his last ditch attempt for team 1. This evening I saw not just 1 and 2, but 3, 4 and 5 as well! All had their trucks circling the centre of town, at times set up on opposite corners blasting their songs at each other.

Korea-Daegu-Station - Hint: Its the same picture.

Hint: Its the same picture.

Korea-Daegu-Station - And here is just one of a plethora of brave christian warriors wandering around chanting threats at everyone while waving crucifixes. He did not like

And here is just one of a plethora of brave christian warriors wandering around chanting threats at everyone while waving crucifixes. He did not like that I took his photo, which I find particularly amusing, does he want attention or not? That's all for tonight, tomorrow is hot, might impact my plans, might not.

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