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Korea Daegu Spark

1 June 2022

Observation deck

Looking over Daegu from Dongseongno Spark

Tonight I went up to the top of the ferris wheel building. It was better than expected. Excellent views. I seem to remember from previous visits that Korea still has great views from the tops of large shopping / entertainment venues. You can easily drop things over the side.
Many other parts of the world used to have good views, but someone jumped, so now, 30 foot high walls you cannot even see through.

Before going to the vertigo inducing roof, I took the monorail again, restrained myself from taking more photos, got off at a place I spotted earlier in the day, took a quick tour of an out of the way department store, then walked back into the main part of the city along the river. It was a really nice walk despite the heat. Pics came out well so lets get to it.

Korea-Daegu-Spark - The monorail station exits into a store with a cool clock. OK I lied, you can see the monorail bridge in the reflection.

The monorail station exits into a store with a cool clock. OK I lied, you can see the monorail bridge in the reflection.

Korea-Daegu-Spark - The store is called Daebaek, it was very quiet in the basement at this time. Much the same stuff as other department stores, just slightly less fancy

The store is called Daebaek, it was very quiet in the basement at this time. Much the same stuff as other department stores, just slightly less fancy looking.

Korea-Daegu-Spark - Time to start my walk along the river. It was hot, but a nice breeze and mostly shade. Lots of people were enjoying the river.

Time to start my walk along the river. It was hot, but a nice breeze and mostly shade. Lots of people were enjoying the river.

Korea-Daegu-Spark - There were 3 or 4 of these weirs along the journey, and a spot to cross via stepping stones.

There were 3 or 4 of these weirs along the journey, and a spot to cross via stepping stones.

Korea-Daegu-Spark - Old folks enjoying the big steering wheel and other assorted equipment.

Old folks enjoying the big steering wheel and other assorted equipment.

Korea-Daegu-Spark - I had time to stop and smell the roses. Also fishing is banned in the river, and every now and then I saw a big fish jump out of the river and make a

I had time to stop and smell the roses. Also fishing is banned in the river, and every now and then I saw a big fish jump out of the river and make a large splash. Quite unexpected, quite.

Korea-Daegu-Spark - The what now? They went into debt to build this.

The what now? They went into debt to build this.

Korea-Daegu-Spark - Daegu has a terrible drinking / litter problem.

Daegu has a terrible drinking / litter problem.

Korea-Daegu-Spark - Not a great pic, but that thing with the blue light is a robot. It brings you your food to your table. I presume it is a roomba, and also vacuums as i

Not a great pic, but that thing with the blue light is a robot. It brings you your food to your table. I presume it is a roomba, and also vacuums as it delivers food.

Korea-Daegu-Spark - Well hello there. An Australian themed pizza restaurant for some reason.

Well hello there. An Australian themed pizza restaurant for some reason.

Korea-Daegu-Spark - Now for the roof. A great spot for views in all directions. Almost no pollution!

Now for the roof. A great spot for views in all directions. Almost no pollution!

Korea-Daegu-Spark - Even once on the roof you can climb higher on decks fully exposed to the wind.

Even once on the roof you can climb higher on decks fully exposed to the wind.

Korea-Daegu-Spark - Last roof shot. And yes I should have gone up here after dark.

Last roof shot. And yes I should have gone up here after dark.

Korea-Daegu-Spark - Dinner tonight was a hearty kim chi fried rice. Very delicious. I will probably make this at home when I return. Tomorrow I go to Busan, it is only 45

Dinner tonight was a hearty kim chi fried rice. Very delicious. I will probably make this at home when I return. Tomorrow I go to Busan, it is only 45 minutes by train, but I am sure I will make a day of it. Also, holiday is half over already.

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