This is a very small update because I was only out for an hour.
Ordinarily when I get back from hiking very late I go in the shower then straight out to dinner and then do all my photo editing (boosting leaf colour saturation to ridiculous levels) later and split it into 2 posts so that it appears as if made an effort twice when I only sat here doing stuff once for the day.
Well tonight I hung around and edited all my fog shots, added the hilarious comments and uploaded it, then went out to dinner very late (for me). I ate at 8pm.
The problem was, a lot of the restaurants near Kanda station (where I am staying) are still 'smoking ok'. I really did think that had been completely banned now, so I wonder what about those places makes them exempt.
I walked out of a yakitori place once I realised people were smoking, but I guess they probably get more people due to allowing smoking than they are going to lose from me walking away from a possible $8 sale.
Brace for minimal photos.
Here is the entry to the restaurant and bar area by Kanda station. I think this is the 4th time I have stayed in this area. It is very convenient for the Chuo rapid line, which takes me to the mountains.
In this area, a lot of places were, 'smoking ok'. Not OK!
I recall last time I was here wanting to eat at this ramen place, however since I basically had ramen last night, I decided to look elsewhere. Fascinating stuff this!
And so I ended up with a hamburg steak as they call it. I chose the avocado option (it is under the bean sprouts). These hamburg steaks are always a bit over priced, but the lack of people smoking and lack of a line assisted in my choice.
Tomorrow is definitely not a hiking day!