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Japan Tokyo Food Bento

11 May 2010

Last night in Japan

As mentioned, I am leaving tomorrow, its also still raining so I didnt do much this evening except wander around the local area. I played some video games with salary men, and got thrashed badly at some sort of robot deathmatch thing where you get a thrustmaster joystick for each hand.

So heres some observations on Japan.

1. I really only saw Tokyo and Yokohama, so lots of people will say I never saw the real Japan.
2. Tokyo is very Japanese, despite Mcdonalds and Starbucks being everywhere (this is a good thing).
3. Japanese people do not like me, yes thats a generalisation but a lot of things happened to suggest I made people uncomfortable.
4. The trains are excellent, I didnt feel uncomfortable at peak hour.
5. Food is universally good, and very reasonably priced.
6. There is way too much interesting junk food.
7. Tokyo is walker friendly, with lots of maps, public toilets, things to see along the way.
8. May is a great time to visit weather wise.
9. Vending machines are fantastic.
10. Despite everyone watching violent cartoons, playing violent games, watching bizzarre porn (rape fantasies involving school girls being the most popular) from age 5 onwards, and generally consuming every type of media western (whitey) countries try to ban, there is no crime or violence at all.

Lets leave it rounded out to an even 10.

Japan-Tokyo-Food-Bento - Heres my dinner. Looks pretty healthy doesnt it? Its a bento box from Keio plaza department store. Lots of different things in it.

Heres my dinner. Looks pretty healthy doesnt it? Its a bento box from Keio plaza department store. Lots of different things in it.

Japan-Tokyo-Food-Bento - The above dinner was so healthy, I followed it up with 2 custard filled fried sandwhich things. I really do wish I could find somewhere to weigh mysel

The above dinner was so healthy, I followed it up with 2 custard filled fried sandwhich things. I really do wish I could find somewhere to weigh myself!

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