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Japan Osaka Station

17 March 2014

Recovery night

Having had many back to back days of mountain climbing, tonight was recovery night.
Tomorrow I am going to Taiwan, specifically Taichung, which should be written as Taizhong and soon will be. Taipei should also be Taibei for that matter, stupid Taiwan and their non pinyin romanization.
Getting there requires multiple modes of transport.
Fast Haruka train to Kansai airport in Osaka which is a manmade island.
Boeing 777 (non Malaysia airlines) from Kansai to Taoyuan, which is the airport near Taipei.
Bus from Taoyuan airport to the Taiwan High speed rail line, because the MTR line to the airport still isnt finished!
High speed rail from Taoyuan to Taizhong high speed rail station, which is out of the city.
Regular Train from Taizhong high speed rail station to the centre of town.
I am excited.

I believe there are even bigger mountains near Taizhong than I have been up so far in Hong Kong and Japan. Brace yourselves for more photos of trees and view.

Japan-Osaka-Station - This is inside the Hankyu Umeda station. For those that dont know, most of the private rail lines in Japan are actually owned by department stores. Th

This is inside the Hankyu Umeda station. For those that dont know, most of the private rail lines in Japan are actually owned by department stores.
They build train lines to bring people to their stores.
Apparently there is a super profits rule on railways in Japan, so they had to diversify their business, or something like that.

Japan-Osaka-Station - I have been on this. Not tonight.

I have been on this. Not tonight.

Japan-Osaka-Station - There are lots of people getting into Osaka station from all angles. It is called Station City, the city is very much ruled by rail.

There are lots of people getting into Osaka station from all angles. It is called Station City, the city is very much ruled by rail.

Japan-Osaka-Station - This blue whale isnt blue.

This blue whale isnt blue.

Japan-Osaka-Station - If you are bored whilst heading home to wherever, you can stop and play ten pin bowling, or darts, or ping pong or lots of other things in a multi sto

If you are bored whilst heading home to wherever, you can stop and play ten pin bowling, or darts, or ping pong or lots of other things in a multi storey adult amusement centre with beer and smoking.

Japan-Osaka-Station - I was surprised to find you can get out on the roof of the JR station building. More surprised were the young couple also out there who thought they h

I was surprised to find you can get out on the roof of the JR station building. More surprised were the young couple also out there who thought they had the place to themselves. I may have prevented an unwanted pregnancy.

Japan-Osaka-Station - Dinner time. A selection of kit kats and some korean chocolate.

Dinner time. A selection of kit kats and some korean chocolate.

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