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Japan Osaka Shinsekai

16 March 2014

Shinsekai deep fried town

Due to increasing levels of exhaustion, tonight I caught the train to an area called Shinsekai, which as it turns out is near Namba.
I decided to take the loop line to get there, the long way. This took ages, as it stopped at nearly every station for 5 minutes to let an express train of some description go past.
It was also really full, mainly of people taking their gas masks off to cough and sneeze, further highlighting the stupidity of these things.

This gives me an opportunity to make a few generalisations and observations about Japan.
Why are so many guys taking ladders with them on the train? What do they need a mini ladder for?
What is inside those big long padded bags people take on the train? Too long to be a guitar, too wide to be a sword, too wide to be skis, they are almost like body bags.....just had a thought, its a ladder case.
Why do females out number males 5 to 1? Is it because all the men are driving cars to pubs and not venturing outside? Perhaps they are sleeping at home having worked 16 hour days whilst the women folk eat crepes and go to cat cafes.
Blonde hair looks stupid, stop doing it. This applies to boys and girls.
Where are the rubbish bins? Theres bins everywhere for plastic bottles with round holes, but as for a bin to put anything else in, bad luck. I generally bring stuff back to my hotel room to put in the bin.
Why do so many people still have flip phones that are not touch screens? I would think a touch screen for Japanese character input makes sense.
Learn how to walk properly! Or perhaps more correctly, stop pretending you dont know how to walk properly anytime you are out in a populated place.

Japan-Osaka-Shinsekai - This is the area near Shinsekai. Apparently the seediest dodgiest scariest area in all Osaka. Hmmm, I am not really seeing that.

This is the area near Shinsekai. Apparently the seediest dodgiest scariest area in all Osaka. Hmmm, I am not really seeing that.

Japan-Osaka-Shinsekai - This is the tower, its the main attraction here. All the food is deep fried stuff on sticks. The tower is fairly new, the original was built straight

This is the tower, its the main attraction here. All the food is deep fried stuff on sticks. The tower is fairly new, the original was built straight after world war 2 for some kind of worlds fair for defeated ww2 countries and was a copy of the Eifel tower.

Japan-Osaka-Shinsekai - The busiest part. It was very quiet.

The busiest part. It was very quiet.

Japan-Osaka-Shinsekai - After looking for food for quite a while I relented and went for deep fried. This cost like $15, what a rip off! Deep fried Tonkatsu Pork. I guess the

After looking for food for quite a while I relented and went for deep fried. This cost like $15, what a rip off! Deep fried Tonkatsu Pork. I guess the salad was refreshing. Interestingly, or boringly depending on your level of interest, they serve it with hot english mustard, not wasabi, I saw the jar.

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