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Japan Nagoya Food

10 November 2015

Bare minimum

Eating a vegetarian dinner in Nagoya

Due to getting back so late, this is a bare minimum update, just 3 photos.
It feels later than it is in Japan because it gets dark before 5pm, properly dark. And its only Autumn still, does it get dark at 3pm in winter?

This evening I walked in the other direction, which has lots of girl bars, and guys in their business attire trying to out man each other. Presumably calling their wives to explain that the boss is making them work late.
Some time after I realised I was on top of a shopping mall, that joins the train stations together, so I descended, and found dinner.

Since I feel as though I did enough exercise to warrant it, I have also purchased a chocolate dessert thing with cream and green tea powder for later. I am excited.

Japan-Nagoya-Food - My dinner was tofu and vegetables in a sticky sauce. I had something very similar in Taichung on a previous holiday. The miso in the measuring cup is

My dinner was tofu and vegetables in a sticky sauce. I had something very similar in Taichung on a previous holiday. The miso in the measuring cup is stone cold and the flavour is too strong for me. It was also very thick.
I wasnt given a spoon so did not know what to do with it. I looked at other people with the same thing, and no one seemed to touch it.

Japan-Nagoya-Food - This is a random street a bit away from the main shopping area.

This is a random street a bit away from the main shopping area.

Japan-Nagoya-Food - And this is a multi storey girly bar complex, for some reason they have obscured their stairs with palm trees.

And this is a multi storey girly bar complex, for some reason they have obscured their stairs with palm trees.

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