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France Work Monastery

11 July 2019

The monk life

Living in a monastery in rural France

I have to run to a meeting shortly so this is a tiny update.

Last night I went to a fancy dinner at a fancy hall de ceramique museum or something, it was very far on a bus.

This morning despite getting back from dinner at midnight I got up and went for a small walk around the local area, it is not as quaint as people would imagine. No idea if I will find time to add anything else tonight.
Also it is cloudy this morning, the first time it hasnt been bright sunshine. Here is 4 crap pics, including some clouds.

France-Work-Monastery - First, a field, its probably what most people imagine the French countryside should look like.

First, a field, its probably what most people imagine the French countryside should look like.

France-Work-Monastery - Here is the local village, so beautiful and peaceful, wonderful old houses.

Here is the local village, so beautiful and peaceful, wonderful old houses.

France-Work-Monastery - Some beautiful flower arrangements in the village square.

Some beautiful flower arrangements in the village square.

France-Work-Monastery - All stores in France, post the bread futures market spot price on their window like they are trading gold.

All stores in France, post the bread futures market spot price on their window like they are trading gold.

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