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Adelaide Airport

3 December 2005

Departure from Adelaide Airport at 1530

The Adelaide Airport International terminal is brand new, and no one really seemed to know what was going on.
I waited in the check in line for about an hour, whilst every single passenger except me argued that they did not have excess baggage, when some of them had 4 suitacases each....

The vast majority of the passengers appear to be Malaysian.
Then after that line, we move to another line for customs, only theres no one there.
Everyone including me is confused, as we were just told to proceed to customs.
The pilots and crew are at the head of the line, and they are bitching to airport police, that they need to get on the plane to start pre flight checks etc, the cops are saying they have no idea, but they try calling on the radio, next thing they are borrowing a cell phone of some guy and making some calls.

Eventually, 2 guys turn up to man the customs area, and we proceed through, I get quizzed about my business visit, and have to fill out an extra form, the fellow asked me why I was going and who I worked for, and after that story asked me if I had any ID stating who I worked for, my business card was sufficient.

Adelaide-Airport - Stock photo not taken by me

Stock photo not taken by me

Adelaide-Airport - Inside the new Adelaide Airport

Inside the new Adelaide Airport

Adelaide-Airport - Adelaide as seen from the airport - we are lucky it is close to the city.

Adelaide as seen from the airport - we are lucky it is close to the city.

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