7 August 2022
You Yangs Regional Park again
A second visit to a nice hill between Melbourne and Geelong. The last time was 1.5 years ago, which at the time was the first day in 6 or more months that I was allowed to leave my house for a reason other than to buy food or medicine due to COVID. This time it was a visit just for fun.
I decided to give my Ricoh GRIII a rest, and see what I could make my Canon G1x III do. I do not like the photos out of the Canon, and although today was better, it was a fantastic day and great scenery, so any camera would have done ok, I think the Ricoh would have done a better job. Despite the Canon having zoom, which is one reason why I took it, I did not really use the zoom. Enough camera talk.

Photos in light from behind seem to always look soft in the Canon. I will talk shit about that as this goes on.

Sky is a strange shade of blue, but its been recovered a bit from shooting into the light... which I think suggests the dynamic range of the Canon is low. The clouds and sky were great today.

The leaves on the right side look soft, I rarely deviate from f8, maybe I need f11 on this camera, although I doubt it.

Probably the best photo in this direction today, the rock makes me notice the overall softness less.

I thought this would be a great photo, but it lacks detail. Maybe the actual auto focus is faulty? Something to look into further.