30 November 2020
Sherbrooke Falls
This spot is near the Alfred Nicholas Memorial Gardens in the Dandenong Ranges. It is often too busy to get a park anywhere near these places on weekends, but as it was a Monday and I had a day off, it was possible.
The walk to the so called waterfall is short, and shorter because some of the tracks were blocked off due to fallen trees.
Speaking of trees, thats what there mainly is to see. Look up.

Lots of trees. Todays photos are exported with lesser quality in lightroom, I revisted my previous experiments to work out what quality to export with.

More looking up at trees. More lightroom discoveries, batch export is useless because you cant script the text for each of the steps in the batch.

The original intention was to walk a longer route that got to the point I am standing at via this small pathetic tree destroyed bridge. There were a lot of huge trees that would be a fine temporary bridge nearby, but the path was closed with warning signs. Safety first.

Standing on top of the 'waterfall' which is about 3 feet high, and un-photo-graph-able. Nice greenery.

There are a lot of paths to choose from, some go all the way back to the Belgrave train station, although the main 1000 steps path which I have shared here a couple of times is still closed due to Covid concerns, something about the hand rails..