Roast Lamb Page 4

I decided i didnt have enough vegetables so i looked deep in my freezer and found this

I cook stuff like this in the microwave, just add water and 7 minutes on hi, if you place your face close to the door you will get a numb tongue.

then i decided i still didnt have enough vegetables so i looked in the cupboard and found this

just add to the peas and another 3 minutes is all it takes

the meat is now ready and is left to stand for 5 minutes to allow it to set (if you cut it straight away you lose all the juices, which give vitality)

i cut all the meat as it makes it easier for snacking later on the leftovers (yes there will be leftovers, i wont quite eat all that at once)

here it is assembled

and finally with the gravy

thats all folks!