lost or what?

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8 April 2021

Name change... again

OK, years ago this site had a really short name. Someone bought it off me for too much money to decline. Then I chose another name, which existed until last week. Soon after buying that domain, it became a major virus on android. I thought that might send traffic my way, but it did not. In fact I suspect it got my site blocked by some internet service providers. I still own the domain and it is currently redirecting to here.

So now, name number 3, lostorwhat.com

It is probably better than the last name, getting a dot com with any real words in it is very hard.
In addition to a new name, I have also messed about with mod rewrite to make friendlier links. No more ?something=&whatever=4543534. Hopefully that will make google happy.
Unfortunately I still cant leave the country to travel due to covid, so instead, here is a photo from a previous trip, taken in Wuhan.

news - Wuhan. Pre COVID. I went there for fun on my China4 trip in 2018.

Wuhan. Pre COVID. I went there for fun on my China4 trip in 2018.

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