19 December 2018
Sunset, laneways, Melbourne stuff
As the title says, shot with a vintage lense, an adapted Minolta 50mm F/1.7

Here is a laneway, Melbourne has lots of them. This one is only iso800 but a 1:1 pixel peep shows a high level of noise.

Another laneway. This one is iso1600, it didnt have to be but I was shooting with an aperture somewhere above 5. I cant remember. Also I realise now that noise reduction in lightroom was 0 for all these, and it really shouldnt be.

Here is probably the only shot in this set that does not have focus to infinity. Nearly all my shots are infinity focus which makes using manual lenses really easy.

I normally shoot this building from the other side, as I can see it from my apartment balcony. I like it. I also tried a 3 shot panorama but I did it wrong and couldnt crop it.

This is a lightroom 3 shot HDR. The shot above was the first of the 3 frames. I am not really sure if I like it. I do however notice that when you do a an auto HDR stack in Lightroom it automatically cuts highlights, boosts shadows, massively. Applying a preset to an HDR photo doesnt really work. I dont know if I prefer this HDR version from 3 exposures, or the single exposure above.

This is also HDR. I was messing with HDR today. But then I messed with the result to make it look less HDR. The bird is there twice.

Basically the same shot, also HDR, but sun stars this time. I took a HDR bracket of very dark shots. The flaring is pleasant.

Still HDR. HDR was really not needed at all here, as the next shot will show. I dont know if its ever needed, I was just messing about with my new version of Lightroom, I bought the subscription. Soon I will learn photoshop photo abuse.