21 October 2018
Trying more Melbourne night shots
I went out in search of darkness to determine if I need longer shutter, more iso, less exposure, combination of all of the above, and then how to process night shots in lightroom with the noise reduction and sharpness etc.
I need more practice because I am not satisfied with these photos.
I am also trying out back button focus, which caused me a bit of grief when I forgot to hit it before snapping away.

This one is poorly framed but the noise is ok. ISO 1600 which is the highest I allow it to set on auto. After taking this photo I tried to set the exposure to -2/3 but twisted the wrong knob on top of the camera and set it to portrait mode. Silly me.

This was very noisy before I added some NR, I am not sure if the officeworks sign on the right was lit like that in reality or if lightroom has messed with it. I think I focused too far into the distance.

I took a really good shot of this guy and his little flowers, but I forgot to focus first, so instead here is a fairly average shot. I like the subject separation, which is what I think people say when they think it looks 3 dimensional.

Probably the best shot of the evening. Nice reflections. I dont carry coins anymore and they wont take card for $2.

In Japan I take a lot of photos of underground restaurant streets lit with fluorescent lighting, so I came here to practice.

And since I am pretending I am in Japan right now ahead of going there in a weeks time, heres a Sushi restaurant. White balance might be a bit off.