23 September 2021
My favourite camera ever was the Ricoh GR III. Mine broke after getting wet. I got paid out for it with insurance and purchased a Canon G1X Mark III. I did not like the Canon, pictures all soft and noisy. An ebay special from the Australian Ricoh distributor was well timed, so now I have my favourite camera again, this time in street edition grey. I like many of the pics below.

Taken in the same spot as the best ever photo I took with my Canon G1X Mark III, however there is no sun on the trees today. Still I love the detail in the foliage.

I regularly take a photo from this spot, and comparing that little red fire box to the same photo taken a few days ago with the Canon was truly enlightening. The Canon was a noisy smeary mess.

I also often take a photo from here. Light slightly different to when I shot one with the Canon a few nights ago, but the difference in how 3D looking that metal structure is and the detail in the trees behind it is immense.

Supermarkets are the only stores that have been open for months. This shot taken one handed while on a moving escalator in a basement. 1/60 but with IBIS, super sharp.

Next morning now, early sun. I changed metering to highlight weighted, which ensures nothing clips, even if shooting into the sun. This means you can mess with shadows etc without losing detail in the bright bits, but generally you do have to bump exposure a lot.

I often take a photo from here. With highlight metering, its almost +2 exposure comp in lightroom. Still looks good.

On my way to get a take away coffee, which is semi legal to do.... In theory I am not allowed to remove my mask to take a sip.
Today's thoughts...
One handed operation, light, no lens cap, sharpest photos I have ever seen, great IBIS. If they ever make this waterproof it will be the greatest achievement in human history... ok I am exaggerating.
Maybe I had a bad example of the Canon?