Hong Kong - Japan - Taiwan - March 2014 - Page 8 - 520
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Then I ended up in a little museum, remembering the 228 (28 feb) incident. Heres how that goes, in the late 1940's, immediately following the return of Taiwan to China following the defeat of the Japanese, yet before Mao took the mainland from general Chiang, Taiwan was ruled by a local government answerable to the mainland. However they were largely autonomous following ww2, prior to that, the island was forcibly made to be Japanese, and much of the population only knew of Japanese rule. Anyway, the locals got restless of corruption, and on the 28th of Feb 1947 (I think), a woman was selling illegal cigarettes near my hotel. A police officer punished her, and she gave him some lip, so he bitch slapped her with his revolver. Chaos ensued. The police started shooting randomly and a couple of people were killed. This lead to unrest throughout the country, following one woman who was breaking the law and wouldnt shut up. As a result, General Chiang sent troops to sort shit out, and imposed 40 years of martial law before taking over himself! Martial law was only ended in the 1980's.
Camera Details: SONY, DSC-RX100 Settings: 1/100 at f/1.8, ISO 800, 10 mm Date: 27 March 2014 Time: 12:30:22