22 June 2019
The last time I went here was in May 2016, which is 3 cameras ago. Back then it was still my trusty Sony Rx100 Mk1. Today its a similarly sized but much newer Ricoh GR III.
The ferry is a bit pricey to take your car, so today I hatched a plan to drive to Queenscliff, take the ferry to Sorrento, have lunch, go take photos of the beach, then take the ferry back again. That worked well.
Despite being mid winter, the weather was great, excellent light on the way over.

The first pic is not great. Tricky light with dense cloud. Today I shot almost every shot at my favourite aperture priorty f/8. However I did decide that due to the light I would preserve my highlights by shooting at -0.3ev for almost all shots. That may not have been required, I found previously that the Ricoh metering leans towards under rather than overexposing, but its better to be safe than sorry.
Oh, this is Queenscliff, near Geelong.

On the ferry now, I couldnt quite get the framing right. I wanted a plain look with a lot of contrast.

Here is the deck looking backwards. I was rewarded with the light on the journey over, I love dramatic clouds, sun, and shooting into the sun.
In lightroom there was a bit of purple fringing evident, but now that the photos are exported it seems to mainly be gone. After exporting I did remove it in Lightroom by using the lense manual defringe tool, but I dont think its required.

A tower on a boat, sun, no flare. Not quite framed as well as I would like, the life buoys, the crane etc.

The wake. This is quite badly purply fringed in lightroom, but fine here. I used the new texture slider on this shot. I like that slider.

I pulled some sliders to make this a bit more washed out looking. The top of the periscope telescope thing is nicely 3d looking.

I like this shot. I considered fixing the bad paint but then thought better of it. Lightroom cranked the shadows on this shot, I pulled them back down a bit but they are still +17.

Hmm, a contender for shot of the day. Well I should have cropped the structure on the extreme left edge. Only noticing that right now.

The ferry as seen from the land. They leave every hour on the hour. There are 2 of them and the cross over out to sea. The actual journey takes about 40 minutes.

Looking towards Sorrento on a winters day. I added a bit of texture here, the ocean looked very clear.

On the way to the beach there is a little garden... with public toilets. I tried to get a shot of this little cottage without a car in the frame. You can still just see the top of a car.
I think I need to edite this one a bit more to be happy with it, right now its auto settings in lightroom, and a bit of a reduction in saturation and exposure.

Almost at the beach, and its a national park. This is what the foliage around the Australian coastline looks like. I added a bit of sharpening to this one, I never really know if I am over sharpening or not.

Looking back into the sun, note the gazebo on the cliff. I think the shadows shoudld be a bit darker perhaps.

If I had more time I would walk all the way along here, I had to run back to the other side of Sorrento to get to the ferry.

After a run through the town, I was back at the ferry boarding area. The clouds and light were not as good as earlier in the day for the return journey.