15 July 2017
Melbourne Botanic Gardens Again
Tricky light, not too happy with the results, last time I went here was better.
I actually thought there was about to be a big storm and was quite prepared to go and stand in the rain taking photos of ducks and ominous skies, but it never eventuated.

Its winter, but there are plum blossoms already. With an out of focus background it could be Japan. I took enough photos of Japan already but will go again soon.

I like to take photos into the sun with my new camera, its high dynamic range, and an increased knowledge of how to abuse adobe lightroom.

I took a very similar photo from here on my last visit, which came out better than this one. Possibly the source of my disappointment overall with the photos from today.

Closeup. Cant get any closer than this at f2.8, can get closer if I use a higher aperture.
Also I didnt notice the ants until after I had taken the photo.

A bit away from the gardens, and staring into the sun again, its the skateboard park. I only realised today that there is an actual skateboard shop and cafe on the edge of the ramp area.

Last one is my attempt at an action shot, unfortunately I pre focused on a guy in the middle of the concrete area, so the guy that got close up to me is not in focus.
Never really tried action photography of any kind before.