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Korea Daejeon Museum

22 November 2022

Fog rockets

Daejeon national science museum

No blue sky today.
However is it fog, smoke or both? Both I think. A layer of smoke trapped by fog. At least it is not raining.
The good news is I got my hiking with a view requirement done yesterday in relatively clear skies.

As I predicted 2 days prior on the previous rest day, on today's rest day I went to the rockets spotted from the roof of the department store.
It was largely a ghost town. There were a few school kids around but they seemed to be doing classroom activities mostly. This resulted in a very bizarre experience in the natural history museum, where I went to the bathroom, there were no kids in the bathroom. A female school teacher ran over, she was wearing an ID badge around her neck and I saw her with the kids prior. She then watched me urinate at the urinal through the glass door with a clear view of everything (not uncommon with Korean public facilities), then she watched me wash may hands, I looked over at her a few times, and she was sternly looking at me the whole time without blinking. I then opened the door and stared directly at her, at which point she shook her head in disappointment and turned around and walked off. I hope she enjoyed the show.

This mornings activity was a bit shorter as it is a rest day, but I plan to go further afield this evening for my last night in Daejeon.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - First fog shot of the day, a foggy street.

First fog shot of the day, a foggy street.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - I took a long winding route to the science museum, which went through an elevated park in the middle of the city. I kind of think the mound of dirt I

I took a long winding route to the science museum, which went through an elevated park in the middle of the city. I kind of think the mound of dirt I am standing on was man made as there seems to be a few of them strategically placed at different points around the city.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - Freeway overpass. Still foggy.

Freeway overpass. Still foggy.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - Heading over the river, is that fog or smoke, maybe a combo of both, foke. I refuse to acknowledge the term smog.

Heading over the river, is that fog or smoke, maybe a combo of both, foke. I refuse to acknowledge the term smog.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - Heading to the museum, and there is no one around. I had to mess with the white balance on this photo, yellow grass tricks my camera into thinking it

Heading to the museum, and there is no one around. I had to mess with the white balance on this photo, yellow grass tricks my camera into thinking it should be bright orange.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - I was the only person inside future centre. The future is minimalist. There was not a lot of English in this museum.

I was the only person inside future centre. The future is minimalist. There was not a lot of English in this museum.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - Smart city AI control center is basically a cube of LED lights.

Smart city AI control center is basically a cube of LED lights.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - The future has accurately predicted everyone will be sitting in front of a heart made of flowers taking a photo with professional lighting.

The future has accurately predicted everyone will be sitting in front of a heart made of flowers taking a photo with professional lighting.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - Time to ride the maglev. There is an actual operating maglev at Incheon airport, it is slow and only a short ride to the convention centre.

Time to ride the maglev. There is an actual operating maglev at Incheon airport, it is slow and only a short ride to the convention centre.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - South Korea exports a lot of rockets to North Korea, and vice versa.

South Korea exports a lot of rockets to North Korea, and vice versa.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - Before the above rockets, only rocket powered mass arrow launchers existed.

Before the above rockets, only rocket powered mass arrow launchers existed.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - The previous building was future science center, this is just science center.

The previous building was future science center, this is just science center.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - Natural history science center is predictably dinosaurs, trilobytes and meterorites. with the occasional stuffed polar bear. It was here that I became

Natural history science center is predictably dinosaurs, trilobytes and meterorites. with the occasional stuffed polar bear. It was here that I became an exhibit.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - It annoys me greatly that the yellow bumps for the blind are off centre at the science center.

It annoys me greatly that the yellow bumps for the blind are off centre at the science center.

Korea-Daejeon-Museum - I walked back to my hotel the long way around, which went past a different foggy creek. That is all for now.

I walked back to my hotel the long way around, which went past a different foggy creek. That is all for now.

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