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Japan Tokyo Roppongi

3 November 2018

I left Japan and went to Roppongi

Going to Roppongi without spending any money

I had been to Roppongi once before, the very first time I came to Japan, which was all the way back in 2010, so long ago in fact, on that particular trip I did not climb any mountains at all! I remembered from then that it was full of nightclubs and African gangsters. I could not find them this evening, but I did find lots of luxury western stores and more non Japanese people than Japanese people. I could not afford to eat anywhere near the Mori gallery so I wandered off and got lost twice.
You can see the Tokyo tower from Roppongi hills, but I could not work out how to get there, I walked around in circles a few times and then gave up, crossed under a road (yes, thats what you do), and came out over a road. Staying with the art theme, I was in an Escher illustration.

Eventually I ended up in a long park alongside Tokyo Midtown. The map for the park showed a pond, I walked 3 laps in the dark before I was able to find the pond in this tiny park built on the side of a dark hill. It was really strange how lost I managed to get. Then to top it all off I could not figure out how to get back into Tokyo Midtown so ended up climbing a barrier designed to prevent people from crossing a road that was blocked off from traffic. Then I found my soup, mission accomplished.

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - ROPPONGI CROSSING, its not Shibuya crossing but the exit from the subway suggests this is the place to go. I can confirm that it is indeed a place you

ROPPONGI CROSSING, its not Shibuya crossing but the exit from the subway suggests this is the place to go. I can confirm that it is indeed a place you can cross the road. I need to stop doing all CAPS, generally I like to abuse brackets (because I have sub thoughts mid sentence).

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - I recently read that this American franchise has the world record for the highest average number of calories per menu item of any restaurant franchise

I recently read that this American franchise has the world record for the highest average number of calories per menu item of any restaurant franchise in the world. Thats worth a photo?

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - This is the Mori Tower. There are lots of high end shops and art galleries in it. Chances are if you have been to Tokyo you have been here. The area r

This is the Mori Tower. There are lots of high end shops and art galleries in it. Chances are if you have been to Tokyo you have been here. The area reminds me of Central in Hong Kong.

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - I have seen this spider somewhere else. In London I think? They are reaching plague proportions.

I have seen this spider somewhere else. In London I think? They are reaching plague proportions.

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - This is the art gallery. They have glued a Christmas tree over the door and placed a flying saucer in the courtyard. It's going to be an alien invasio

This is the art gallery. They have glued a Christmas tree over the door and placed a flying saucer in the courtyard. It's going to be an alien invasion Christmas.

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - The local Mercedes Benz dealership is both a cafe and a restaurant. Theres a couple of cars to buy hidden in the back also.

The local Mercedes Benz dealership is both a cafe and a restaurant. Theres a couple of cars to buy hidden in the back also.

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - Before today I had no idea that Thailand and Peru had the same food.

Before today I had no idea that Thailand and Peru had the same food.

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - I got so lost I ended up in strange wedding dress world. This building stands out on its own and the stuff in it looks cheap. Weird.

I got so lost I ended up in strange wedding dress world. This building stands out on its own and the stuff in it looks cheap. Weird.

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - An art installation celebrating shower curtains. 1/6 second handheld! IBIS is awesome. It was much much darker here than the photo would suggest.

An art installation celebrating shower curtains. 1/6 second handheld! IBIS is awesome. It was much much darker here than the photo would suggest.

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - I couldnt really tell what was going on here. It seemed to either not be finished or be neglected. There were some people sitting wondering what they

I couldnt really tell what was going on here. It seemed to either not be finished or be neglected. There were some people sitting wondering what they were supposed to be doing here.

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - I finally found the pond, and took another 1/6 of a second handheld shot. I can see stars in the sky. These were not visible with the naked eye. The p

I finally found the pond, and took another 1/6 of a second handheld shot. I can see stars in the sky. These were not visible with the naked eye. The pond was pitch black. I will have to try astrophotography one day, just as a nerdy technical exercise in camera settings.

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - Is this piano made of solid crystal or perspex? Either way I am sure it sounds terrible as a result.

Is this piano made of solid crystal or perspex? Either way I am sure it sounds terrible as a result.

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - My dinner. Soup! Vegetarian! This is not the main brand, Tokyo Soup Stock, it is a clone of it. You even get the 2 soup combo like at Tokyo Soup Stock

My dinner. Soup! Vegetarian! This is not the main brand, Tokyo Soup Stock, it is a clone of it. You even get the 2 soup combo like at Tokyo Soup Stock. I like this concept, please come to Australia. I think this place was called Chowders Deli.

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - I love a curved subway station.

I love a curved subway station.

Japan-Tokyo-Roppongi - I am in luck. The Rubens exhibition is still on. I will be able to see the 5 boobed lactating woman! Bucket list item, TICKED. So much art tonight!

I am in luck. The Rubens exhibition is still on. I will be able to see the 5 boobed lactating woman! Bucket list item, TICKED. So much art tonight!

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