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England London Soho

8 September 2009

Went to Kings Cross for Work

Went to the head office for the UK for work today.
It is very near to kings cross station, just a short walk up the road. The office is like fort knox, theres 3 security doors to get through before you get to an office.
Not much to report of interest on the work front, the trains were packed in during peak hour in the morning, and it was hot for London this time of the year (27 degrees) but because you spend only 5 minutes on a train to get anywhere its ok.
Headed out in the afternoon to view some of our business in Westminster live in action, the place was packed with supermodel looking people, I felt stupid in my cheap work clothes, so decided to come back later in regular clothes to look around Regent and Oxford streets.
At night its even busier, and most of the shops stay open into the evening. I bought a top from THE GAP for 9 pounds. Generally clothes also seemed cheap, business shirts at Beneton which were in a style id wear were only 20 pounds and didnt seem to be on special.

England-London-Soho - Oxford street at dusk.

Oxford street at dusk.

England-London-Soho - Had ribs for dinner at garfunkels, found out after that it was a chain store when I found another one around the corner which caused me to become conf

Had ribs for dinner at garfunkels, found out after that it was a chain store when I found another one around the corner which caused me to become confused and get lost.

England-London-Soho - Famous hotel, so famous I forgot the name.

Famous hotel, so famous I forgot the name.

England-London-Soho - More fancy looking white buildings.

More fancy looking white buildings.

England-London-Soho - Different looking sort of building near Soho, stopped for gelati near here, but felt badly out of place as everyone else was wearing $3000 suits.

Different looking sort of building near Soho, stopped for gelati near here, but felt badly out of place as everyone else was wearing $3000 suits.

England-London-Soho - The Ferrari shop.

The Ferrari shop.

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