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England Hatfield Hotel

2 March 2010

Riding around in a truck in the freezing cold

I had a great sleep from 9pm to 3am without waking up, woke up to the alarm.
Today I had to ride around in a rubbish truck, it was actually quite interesting, like a tour of strange areas of northern London you wouldnt normally see as a tourist, but god damn it was cold, the sky was clear and it felt colder than the 1C the temperature gauge on the truck suggested.
I know work things are boring, but I was amazed at the truck drivers ability to miss things by less than an inch with great confidence, backing around dark corners at speed, turning out across traffic and missing the light pole, a number of times he had to fold the mirrors in to fit, then I have no idea how he could work out how to go backwards but he did.

England-Hatfield-Hotel - Whilst waiting for my truck heres a pic of my hotel, note that like the galleria its also purple (upon viewing the pic, you cant really tell its purpl

Whilst waiting for my truck heres a pic of my hotel, note that like the galleria its also purple (upon viewing the pic, you cant really tell its purple but it is, I wouldnt make that up).

England-Hatfield-Hotel - PROOF, I do sometimes do more than sit in an office reading the internet.

PROOF, I do sometimes do more than sit in an office reading the internet.

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