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Newer Page 1286 of 1340 Older Full Trip Report
England Hatfield Cold

3 March 2010

More galleria

In the evening, I again found myself at the Galleria, its really the centre of anything in Hatfield, it was also the coldest its been yet, -4C apparently. The weather was actually quite nice during the day, clear blue skies, but clear skies means cold nights.
Because of frostbite I had to saw off 3 of my fingers which had turned black from walking in the cold, but instead of that really happening I bought some gloves. Ive never owned gloves before and will never need them again but they cost 4 pounds so thats ok (From one of the outlet adventure clothing stores at the mighty Galleria).
For dinner I went to Frankie and Johnnies, a New York style family restaurant in.... THE GALLERIA, I had a salad. This place seems to play old Sinatra tunes and pretend to be related to the godfather and or scarface in some way, the food was fine and the diet coke I ordered came out in a glass so large I could barely lift it.

England-Hatfield-Cold - Heres my awesome gloves, now im all set for kicking ass and taking names, no more fingerprints to give me away.

Heres my awesome gloves, now im all set for kicking ass and taking names, no more fingerprints to give me away.

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