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Adelaide Sydney Lounge

6 March 2014

Qantas did not go on strike

Having previously been inconvenienced by a volcanic eruption in South America which somehow only grounded flights in Adelaide, and the CEO of Qantas Alan Joyce pulling a suprise shut down of every single flight, I was amazed that the entire airline didnt go into bankruptcy mode this morning.
Oh yeah, I was also inconvenienced when Ansett did the same many years ago, and I lost all the points I had with them.

None the less, Qantas could be about to shut down forever anyway, because no one will give them $3 billion for free and all the other airlines are owned by foreign ogligarchs keen to throw money at nothing.

Putting 2 and 2 together, I figure Qantas is about to be bought out by people from the proud nation of Crimea who need to quickly spend their money before the EU siezes it or Vladimir Putin declares it to be worthless. I look forward to my upcoming frequent flyer awards flight to Simferopol.

Adelaide-Sydney-Lounge - Its me, typing this, my eyebrows continue to get more awesome. Studies show that the more awesome the eyebrows, the smarter you are. Thats why women t

Its me, typing this, my eyebrows continue to get more awesome. Studies show that the more awesome the eyebrows, the smarter you are. Thats why women that pluck them and draw on some sort of half assed line are mentally challenged.

Adelaide-Sydney-Lounge - I didnt have much time to spare in Sydney airport, but I did find time to enjoy breakfast in the first class lounge. Todays choice is a quail egg omel

I didnt have much time to spare in Sydney airport, but I did find time to enjoy breakfast in the first class lounge. Todays choice is a quail egg omelette with imported ukranian gruyere and aged leeks.

Adelaide-Sydney-Lounge - Presumably this is my plane. Qantas admitted for the first time yesterday they wish they never bought A380's, instead they should have bought Boeing 7

Presumably this is my plane. Qantas admitted for the first time yesterday they wish they never bought A380's, instead they should have bought Boeing 777's. Perhaps I can pick one up cheap.
Maybe they will give them to Air New Zealand, who seem to make a profit and add new international routes all the time.

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